Duncan (Tier IX) will be available from random bundles for doubloons, as usual.Tier IV – Tier VII may be obtained for free. Queen Mary (Tier IV) – Hawke (Tier VIII) will be available from consecutive bundles for tokens.There will be 12 bundles that cost 150 doubloons each. Indefatigable (Tier III) will be available from small daily random bundles for doubloons.When it comes to the way the ships will be available in the early access, it will work like this:

With update 0.11.6, the early access for the British battlecruisers will begin and will work in a similar way to previous events. As a Frenchman, it is to my great displeasure that I have to announce to you that the British or should I say the Bwi’ish are coming. For once, it’s not a picture in the nation’s port because, with the upcoming event, the London port turns into a giant opium den with all the smoke that covers the whole place.