
Kb890830 download
Kb890830 download

If such a condition is recognized, an AppContext Switch “.CleanupParserOnAllFailures”, may be enabled to clean up connections on any kind of failures even while running into errors with delegates. The connection in bad state, can make its way into the connection pool and may be picked up for reuse causing unexpected failures on the connection. Under certain error cases caused due to NullReferenceException thrown while populating SqlParameter values using customer provided delegates, the SqlClient driver may not cleanup the state of connection state. Addresses an issue where a binding on TextBox.Text with UpdateSourceTrigger=Propert圜hanged produces incorrect results when the Microsoft Quick IME is used. Addresses an issue where AutomationElement.FindFirst or FindAll do not search the subtree of an hwnd whose UIA_WindowVisibilityOverridden property is set to 1. Addresses an issue where the extra information associated with a WM_KEYDOWN message is discarded before the handlers for the PreviewKeyDown or KeyDown events can retrieve it via GetMessageExtraInfo. Adds a mitigation for an issue involving tearing, flickering, or incorrect composition of visual content under high GPU-load conditions. Addresses an issue where WPF does not respond to touch if the WPF window was activated by a touch manipulation (e.g. This update is cumulative and contains all previously released security improvements. There are no new security improvements in this release. Before you install this update, see the Prerequisites and Restart requirement sections.

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We recommend that you apply this update as part of your regular maintenance routines. The Novemupdate for Windows 10, version 2004, Windows Server, version 2004, Windows 10, version 20H2, Windows Server, version 20H2, and Windows Version 21H1 includes cumulative reliability improvements in.

Kb890830 download